How Plywood Is Manufactured – Our Full Guide

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Plywood is an incredibly popular choice for countless applications. Have you ever wondered how it is made? 

The manufacturing process of plywood involves several complex and precise steps. Each of these is to guarantee that the final product is of high quality and meets industry standards.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how plywood is manufactured. Stick around and see how plywood is made, from selecting the raw materials to bonding and pressing and more.

Log Selection

The selection of raw materials is the first step in how plywood is manufactured. The most common raw material used for plywood production is softwood, including species such as pine, spruce, and fir. The type of tree used also determines the type of plywood.

When selecting logs for plywood production, it’s important to choose logs that are straight and free of defects, such as knots, cracks, or rot. The logs are then conditioned by soaking them in water to make them more pliable for the peeling process. 

Conditioning also helps to prevent the splitting or cracking of the logs.

Cutting and Debarking

Debarking machine

Cutting and debarking are crucial steps in plywood manufacturing. The logs must be cut to the appropriate length to make sure they can be efficiently peeled. The resulting veneer sheets should be of the desired size. 

Once the logs have been cut, the bark is removed. This is typically done using a mechanical debarker, which rotates the log while a series of blades strip away the bark.

The bark can contain impurities such as dirt, sand, and insects, which can affect the quality of the veneer. Removing the bark also provides that the adhesive can bond properly with the wood surface. This results in a stronger and more stable finished product.

Also, the debarking process helps to reduce the risk of fungal growth and insect infestation. Malfunctions like these can damage the wood and reduce the lifespan of the plywood.

Peeling the Veneers

Once the logs have been debarked, they are ready to be peeled. It involves using a lathe machine to rotate the logs while a knife peels off a thin layer of veneer. The veneer is peeled in a continuous sheet, which is then clipped into the desired width and length.

The quality of the veneer is determined by the speed and precision of the peeling process. If the veneer is peeled too quickly or unevenly, it can cause cracks or defects in the finished product.

It’s crucial to use specialized equipment and skilled operators to guarantee that the veneer is peeled correctly.

The thickness of the veneer can also impact the quality of the plywood. Thicker sheets of veneer can provide additional strength and stability, but they can also be more challenging to bend and shape. Thinner veneer sheets are more flexible but may not provide the same level of strength, and durability.

Drying the Veneers

After the veneers have been cut, they are dried to remove any moisture. The goal is to remove the moisture from the veneer sheets to make them stable and prevent warping or cracking. The drying process also helps to improve the adhesive bond between the veneer sheets.

There are different methods used for drying the veneers, including natural air drying and kiln drying. 

Natural air drying involves stacking the veneers in a well-ventilated area and exposing them to air and sunlight. This method is typically used for lower-grade plywood and can take several weeks to months, depending on the climate.

Kiln drying is a more controlled and faster method of drying veneers. In this method, the veneers are stacked in a kiln and heated to a specific temperature and humidity level. The drying process can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the thickness of the veneers and the desired moisture content.

The moisture content of the dry veneers is typically measured using a moisture meter. Adjustments are made to the drying process as needed to achieve the desired moisture level.

Sorting and Grading

Sorting and Grading Plywood

The next step is sorting and grading. This involves visually inspecting each veneer to ensure that it’s free of defects. These could be knots, cracks, or splits. They are also sorted based on their thickness and moisture content.

The grading process involves assigning a quality grade to each veneer based on its appearance and strength. The grading system used for plywood varies by region and by application. It generally follows a set of industry standards, however.

The highest quality core veneers are typically used for the outer layers of the plywood, where they will be visible. Lower-quality veneers are used for the inner layers. They’ll not be visible but will still contribute to the plywood’s strength and stability.

Some manufacturers may choose to offer custom sorting and grading options to meet the specific needs of their customers, such as selecting veneers with unique grain directions/patterns or colors for aesthetic purposes.

Gluing the Veneers

Gluing is done by applying a formaldehyde resin to the veneers and then pressing them together under high pressure and temperature. The adhesive used to bond the veneer sheets together must be strong, durable, and moisture-resistant.

The most commonly used adhesive for plywood is urea-formaldehyde resin. This synthetic resin is applied to each sheet of veneer using a spreader machine. The amount of adhesive applied is carefully controlled to make sure that it’s spread evenly and that the correct amount is used.

The veneers are typically arranged in a cross-grain pattern, with each layer oriented perpendicular to the layer above and below it. This gives plywood its characteristic strength and stability.

Pressing the Plywood

To ensure proper bonding after gluing, the veneer sheets are stacked together and loaded into a cold press. This method applies pressure to the sheets so that they firmly bond together.

Once the cold press has been completed, the sheets are transferred to a hot press. A hot press applies heat and pressure to cure the adhesive and create a strong bond between the veneer layers. This step is crucial as it determines the strength and stability of the plywood.

The temperature and pressure used in the hot press depend on the type of adhesive being used and the intended use of the plywood. Typically, the temperature ranges from 120 to 150 degrees Celsius, and the pressure can be up to 14 MPa (megaPascals).

The duration of the pressing process varies depending on the thickness and grade of the plywood. Plus, the type of adhesive used plays a key role as well. 

Trimming and Sanding

Another crucial step in the plywood manufacturing process is trimming and sanding. This is because pressing causes the plywood to be oversized and uneven. This process helps them come out to the desired size and smoothness.

Trimming is done using a saw to cut the plywood to the exact size required. The edges of the plywood are then sanded using a belt sander or orbital sander to create a smooth surface.

Sanding helps the surface of the plywood be free of defects that could affect its final appearance and performance.

Additionally, sanding can help prepare the plywood for painting, staining, or finishing. A smooth surface helps the finish ‌adhere better.

Quality Control

Throughout the manufacturing process, plywood is subject to strict quality control measures so it meets the required standards. This includes:

  • Checking the quality of the raw materials
  • Tracking the drying and gluing processes
  • Testing the finished product for strength and durability
  • Testing for other performance characteristics

Sheets that don’t meet the required quality standards are removed from the stack and replaced with new sheets. This process guarantees that the final product is of the highest quality and meets industry standards.

Finishing and Packaging

Finishing and Packaging Plywood

Finishing is the crucial final step in the plywood manufacturing process. This part helps protect the surface from damage and enhances its appearance. The type of finish used depends on the intended use of the plywood. Options range from clear coatings to colored stains. 

The finish is typically applied using a spray gun or brush. It must dry and cure before the plywood is ready for use.

Once the finishing process is complete, the plywood is inspected for quality control and packaged for shipment. The sheets are then stacked together. Spacers get placed between them to prevent damage during transportation. 

The plywood is then wrapped in a protective covering to further protect it during shipment.


Plywood manufacturing involves several steps, starting with raw materials selection and cutting. Each step thereafter plays a critical role in producing high-quality plywood.

As consumers and builders, it’s essential to understand how plywood is manufactured. This will allow you to make informed decisions about its use. Plus, you’ll know that you’re using a high-quality product that is both durable and sustainable.

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